
Showing posts from March 31, 2013
Breakfast: Grape tomatoes with yogurt, and blackcurrant juice. Lunch: Pancakes, bacon scrambled eggs, wheat bread and orange juice. Dinner: Beef carbonara pasta and blackcurrant sauce. It's a holiday Monday today, but that because of April fool's day I hope not. I can't seem to get over how manic I become when I don't have anything to smoke. Had to knock on my friends' doors very early in the morning to ask for a stick. This is not getting good, and I know I had to properly deal with this addiction soon. Went to the supermarket in the early evening and the neighborhood felt exactly like back at home after the Holy Week: quite and eerie. It gives me gas really.
Breakfast: Pancakes! Lunch: Bacon carbonara on capellini pasta Feeling not hungry today, probably because I did nothing at all. I think I need to go to the supermarket to get some stuff to cook.