Brunch: Nasi-goreng fried rice, scrambled eggs, tomatoe, milk and orange-mango juice

Dinner: Beef lasagne, satay chicken barbecue, lettuce and peach salad dressed in apple cidar vinegar and olive oil.

Late nigh snack: fried cardava banana with brown sugar and almonds (Filipino turon) and blackcurrant juice. Miss having this typical Filipino snack so imagine the excitement when I found a "saging na saba" (cardava banana) in the supermarket, something I haven't seen in Tokyo the whole time I was there.

Invited a few friends over for early dinner. I don't know with you, but I feel so grown up cooking food for friends. I wish I have a bigger table though. That, at least, would inspire me to be more "friendly" just so I could fill it up. 


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